Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Hiding Behind Your Podium of Expertise

I subscribe to a number of blogs; some of these are dailies and others “as and when”, some are a bit off the wall, some thought provoking and others deadly serious.

One of my favourites (daily, off the wall type) is Havi’s blog,
The Fluent Self. Today she used the phrase “hiding behind your podium of expertise” which I have swiped for the title of my blog – thank you Havi. And this is what Havi has to say about hiding (my comments: apply this to blogs, the way we communicate with colleagues, clients, the man in the street, family friends etc etc ….)

“The more you hide behind your podium of expertise, the more distance you put between you and the reader. And not the sexy kind of distance. The off-putting, chasm-building, “I can’t connect with this person” kind. We all ruin posts all the time by thinking we have to have a point every single time, or forgetting to admit that yeah, there are things we don’t know. Puffed-up biggified experts who speak only in authoritative lists of seven ways to do this and eight ways to screw up that … they’re a dime a dozen. They’re interchangeable. They’re expendable. We’re not coming for your expertise, really. There are all sorts of places to get that. Sure, the information is nice. But we’re really coming for you.”

Thanks again Havi.

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